Preparation of the breeding season
Step by step to breeding success!
Preparation of the breeding season
- Selection of healthy breeding birds.
- Medical examination: physical, faeces analysis, crop swab.
- Possible preventive treatments:
- Coccidiosis (Pantacox, ESB Plus).
- Bengalese finches disease (Ronella).
- Worms
- Ectoparasites (Control of bloodsucking mites via drinking water with EXZOLT)
- Cutting long nails and check length of beak.
- Trimming of feathers around the cloaca of heavily feathered birds.
- Ointment for scales on the legs (Bird Pedicure).
Breeding room
- Thoroughly clean and disinfect with an effective disinfectant before placing the birds in the breeding cage.
- Avoid loose perches and provide a floor that is easy to clean.
- Use lamps with a UV spectrum and avoid flickering (HF ballast).
- Light manipulation with dimmer. Start with 12h and increase by 30 minutes per week and start breeding at 14 to 15 hours.
- Increase to a minimum recommended temperature, respecting day/night rhythm. Avoid excessive fluctuations in temperature.
- Prevention of external parasites through environmental spray.

It is important to work through the drinking water as not much soft food is consumed during preparation.
It is best to start with the “Golden Weekend Trio” (*) 6 to 8 weeks before the start of breeding.
Via drinking water
- Muscle strengthening and general condition.
- Tackles fattening to improve copulation and fertilisation.
- HEPATO-CHOL* (Saturday)
- Improves liver function and metabolism.
- Contains amino acids, sorbitol and plant extracts.
- Replaces lack of UV through natural sunlight.
- Stimulates fertilisation.
- Replenishes deficiency of vitamins A, D3, E and K in unbalanced diet.
- MYCOSOL (Optional on weekdays)
- Supporting the immune system through aromatherapy.
- Soothing effect on airways.
- CALCIUM D3 (Optional twice a week)
- Prevents egg binding problems.
- Ensures good shell formation.
Via soft food
- VIT-AZ-MIN (2 to 3 times a week)
- Unique source of amino acids, minerals and trace elements.
- Contains calcium, seaweed and spirulina.
- AMINO-FORT (Saturday)
- Contains important essential amino acids.
- Replaces other sources of protein.
- MULTIVITAMIN + HEALTH OIL (Optional twice a week)
- Contains all necessary vitamins for daily addition to home made soft food.
- Increases immunity and provides extra energy.
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